December 17, 2012

Car Accident

Hello all my beautfiul bloggy friends!!

You will never know how nice it is for me to be able to say that... My sister and I were in a car accident  where the car flipped 2 and a half times doing 70 km.... we came out with NO broken bones or any major injuries ...
 We were in shock the first couple of days  and realizing Troy's car is totally smashed and rode off , we are shocked that we are alive!!!!  We could never be so grateful as what we are, it is so beautiful to be alive and in great shape with that!

I was driving on a straight patch of road when the wheels on the back started sliding to the right which turned us sideways  ( black ice )  There was no warning whatsoever!!  We flipped over the edge of the road down into a ditch.. I remember a peace that came over me and I  never felt so calm in my life... I said " Norma , we are going to be ok"  three times.... even as I was upside down in the car in mid flip I said the same thing and honestly I had absolutely no fear whatsoever... could it be because it was so fast? Maybe but I believe we had angels with us because the fireman crew couldn't believe we were not hurt badly. 

There were about 40 people on the street within minutes and we are on a highway at nighttime! Amazing... I was trapped in the car took them 45 minutes to get me out.... My side of the car was facing the ground, I will never know how Norma got the seatbelt off and got out..she is so strong, she had to pull herself straight up getting out of a broken window.

 On the outside Norma paniced thinking the car was going to catch fire and tried to get back in to get me but couldn't jump high enough to latch on to the opened window.. I heard men there right away protecting Norma and telling her not to get back in..
  All windows but the back were smashed, 3/4 of the front windshield was gone with only a corner on my side still sitting there..they had to smash it as well to put my feet out through so I could be more comfortable and they had to straighten me in order to get me out. I was taken out through the trunk on that hard white flat board.

 They were all so nice and did everything from keeping me warm and talking to keep me from going to one point I thought I was home in my bed and decided to drift off to sleep until I heard "Naomi, keep your eyes open"    I actually thought it was funny and laughed...  I couldn't get over the fact  I thought I was in my bed!
 That's it in a nutshell.... Yes we have black brusies, we were dizzy , but we sit together every day simply amazed that here we are!!!!  What'a a bruise Norma would say. mockingly and sarcastically... she is so funny.....

...we laughed , we cried, we sat in a state of not being able to say anything at all.... this was one experience we will never forget , we will also never forget how grateful we are.  Phew! This is my first time writing about it... it did raise a little emotion but hey? I am here right! 

Now with saying all of that, I love all of you, I am overwhelmingly grateful for each and every one of you...I really mean that.

Cherish every moment my friends for it really could be your last.


K Clark said...

oh my goodness... so glad you are ok!!!! count your blessings everyday

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

OMYGOSH!!! My friend!!! I am so grateful you and your sister are ok!! God is amazing!!!! {{{hugs}}}

Sandie said...

Namoi and sis..... you were being looked after, that much is obvious. I was so relieved reading your news that you were both alright and no major injuries. Don't be surprised if you react the emotions of it all.
BIG warm Aussie hugs, I am so glad you are both okay!!!! Can't lose my favourite relatives.. :-)

DIANA L. said...

So glad to hear you came through --- PTL.
Hugs, Diana

Karen said...

Oh my! My dear sweet friend, this is the last thing I expected to see as I came online to catch up! :( I am so thankful for the angels God has given charge over our lives... your testimony from this accident shows the power of living a life of faith! We serve an amazing God and His mighty hand kept you safe. I love you with all of my heart, my sweet friend, and am keeping you extra close in my prayers tonight! You have a brilliant, sparkly future ahead of you.. and I am excited to see it come to fruition. :o) Lots of love!

Hugs and blessings!

Wendy L said...

Crikey Naomi, so glad you are both OK, it sounds awful. Keep Safe.
Love to you all for Christmas and Happy New Year. xxx

Karon said...

Oh My goodness Naomi - so so relieved that you are OK - Someone surely was watching over you both. Now you must put this behind you and heal and wow - I'm so emotional for you right now - take care my friend. Love and Hugs, Karon

KarKar said...

So glad you didn't get hurt bad. Someone was watching over you.

Migdalia said...

My lovely friend...I am soooo Happy to know that you and Norma are alright!!And YES,God's Angels are always watching over us as they were watching and covering you & Norma..
God is an Awesome & Powerful God!!!
Sending a HUGE amount of Bloggie love& Prayers to you,Michael,Troy & Norma.
P.S.please hug Michael for

jessica said...

OMG Naomi....what an adventure but SO SO SO glad to hear you guys are ok!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! Stay safe!!!

Anonymous said...

This was definitely a shock to come and read but also a great testimony. I have truly felt peaceful about Dave. We will find out on Monday. It is wonderful to know that you had such a peace about you and that you weren't fearful. I agree that we serve an amazing God as well as an Almighty God. He kept His hand on you to keep you safe. He has more for you to do. That is awesome. Can't wait to see what it is. :)

Unknown said...

SO glad you too are ok. *HUGS*

Valerie said...

oh my goodness! So thankful that you are both ok! What a testimony of God's goodness, protection and your own words at how calm you were. I'm sure that everything will be more dear to you after that little experience!

Anonymous said...

God is good, That is amazing!! What a testimony you have to share! I don't know what to say but I totally agree with Karen. God bless you

Em Louise Fairley said...

OMGee! So glad you're both ok! Love you my sweet, sweet friend! Hugs xoxox

Gail said...

Praise God you are OK - life is short - make the best of it - and have a happy day! Glad you are OK!

Lisa said...

Oh wow, Naomi, praise God you and your sister are okay. There were definitely angels in that car with you. When I lived in upstate New York, black ice was a constant worry. You truly can't see it at all. That you both were able to walk away with only bruises is God's hands keeping you safe. Another blessing to be thankful this Christmas season!! I'm sending you lots of hugs and love!!

Lisa :)
A Mermaid's Crafts

Lynnette said...

Wow! God is good! He is so good to both of you! The angels were there to help you and there must have been a reason why you both are safe! You must have more work to do in your life. This should be a very merry Christmas for you and yours and a very happy new year.

Anonymous said...

So glad the angels were there and God was watching over you. Life is so precious. May you have a blessed Christmas. Mandee

Kate said...

I'm torn between horrified and overjoyed! I'm so sorry that you went through this experience, but thankful that you have come out of it without injury. How amazing that you felt God's peace at the moment too!

Have a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones! I'm so thankful that you are still here with us!!

Staci said...

Naomi, I am so glad that you are alright!!

Christina Griffiths said...

I am so glad to read that you are OK both you and Norma. It must have been really scary in that car as it rolled over but you are very lucky not to be badly injured. Have a restful Christmas and get really settled for the holiday.
Love Christina xx

f1griff said...

God Naomi, So Glad your both O.K.That must have be a shock, makes you think!! Just count your blessings the man above was with you that day..Hope you can go forward and get on with Xmas..Love Griff x

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Oh my! I am so happy to hear that you are both OK! I am sending thoughts and prayers to both of you! Carri~Abusybee

Unknown said...

It’s good to hear that both of you are safe and no one else got hurt! Next time, make sure that your car is in good condition before using it. Also, if you feel like there’s something wrong, have it checked the soonest possible. How are you now?

-Amy Baron

Naomi Edwards said...

Hi Amy, I am grateful no one else got hurt either..thinking there could have been oncoming traffic takes my breath. The car is well taken car off, it is a 2010 Vibe that is well maintained... there was nothing with the car that caused the accident, it was the black ice. We shopped outside of our home town which is 72 km on a highway, it was fine the whole day .... You asked how I am , thank you for that.. I am very sore,it set in on the 3rd day and so is my sister but we are still very grateful , it could have been a total disaster and could have effected our loved ones very much if the outcome had been worse... I will ever be grateful to have walked away from it.

Cathy -Mercieschild said...

Naomi, I know many have told you how glad they are that you are o.k. My heart pounded as I read this andalmost made me cry, both in concern and joy. I haven't been able to post lately because of the horrible winter storm but to come in and see this, I thank the Lord for His angels around you and your sister. You have a wonderful testimony, I know black ice and not many people can givea joyous report like you did.. I thank God you are alive and well. I don't think you realize how much a part of our lives (or at least mine) you have become because you share your heart with us. I am sorry that you are still sore, but I am overjoyed to see your post. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Hugs, Cathy K

Migdalia said...

Hi Naomi,
Just wanted to stop by to Wish you,Michael,Troy & your family the BEST Christmas EVER!!
Sending my Hugs,Smile & love ,

Sherrie K. said...

I am sooooo sorry it I haven't been by to visit. I think with the holiday's I just got so caught up and didn't get around to the blogs as much as I would have like to. I am soo sorry to hear about the accident. I hope and pray that everything is okay for you and you heal real fast. I will be thinking of you and hope you have a great New Years. Take care and big hugs my friend!
Sherrie K

Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

Well you certainly know how to scare a girl don't you? Right now I'm clearing away the tears streaming down my face. Isn't amazing how much we can come to care for a person we have never actually met in person? I'm so sorry you had to go through such a horrendous accident so close to Christmas. My husband and I just got back from a week away in London, ON. It is about a 7&1/2 hour drive from here and in a way I'm glad that I didn't read about your accident until after we were back or else that is all I would have been thinking about on our drive to and from. I hope that you and the boys along with the rest of your family had an amazing Chirstmas despite this awful mishap and that you and your sister were not too sore to enjoy it. I am so glad that heaven's angels were watching over the stretch of road that day. This world would be a much sadder place without you in it.


Audrey Hiltke said...

Naomi - I came by to respond to the post you left on my Blog and somehow found my way to this post. I have goosebumps and tears after reading about your Miracle. I'm so glad you are okay! And like you, I am certain that there were Angels keeping you safe. How amazing is that moment when you know, you just know it's going to be okay, even when you're upside down! You knew to the point where you were comforting your Sister. How beautiful was that. My husband and I had something similar happen - far less extreme - but similar just the same. Long story - short version - we were on his Harley, went off the road at a curve, down an embankment and into a muddy stream. The bike came to a immediate stop as soon as it hit the mud. I flipped completely over hubby, he pretty much flew over the bike head first into the mud, and before he could even stand up I was already standing in front of him. I somehow just rolled head over heels, tucked my head and rolled into a standing position. Total slow motion - talk about being in the moment!! We had stream seaweed inside of our clothes, mud everywhere, and not one single scratch. I was very sore and had some bruises which I found over the next few days, but we were alive. I'd had a premonition that morning, had said some very serious prayers before getting on the bike that day, and hubby and I know we were being protected and our prayers were heard and answered.

Sorry for the long post - I just am so touched by what I read that I had to share. We are here for a reason!!!

Hugs and Blessings!!

Raleigh Crowl said...

I’m happy that you and your sister were both safe! Accidents do happen and no one is exempted from it. Also, I do hope that you will still keep driving even after this accident. Always keep safe!

Cristy Witherspoon said...

What happened to you was totally shocking. While reading your post, I tried to imagine what happened and I can feel that you two were really in a tough situation that time. The people around you must’ve been glad that you and your sister were okay and weren’t badly hurt. How was the car, by the way? Was it totally wrecked and gone beyond repair?

Naomi Edwards said...

Hi Cristy, yes it was certainly shocking, I think I was actually still in shock when I wrote this post. The car was road off which means totalled here on the island. Only last week did Troy get the insurance straightened out so hopefully will have a car very soon. 3 months of harsh winter walking to work.. we couldn't believe it took this long!!! They felt bad and gave him a rental for one week..better than nothing seeing he didn't have the car rental checked off in his orginial papers. Thanks for your reply!

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