January 14, 2013

Happy Monday!!!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, I did a lot of catching up, yippee!
 I am happy to say that I  have every digital  protected over at  www.creativebugdigis.com !!!
how you ask?
 I disabled right click!!

Throughout my research I learned there is nothing you can do to protect your images that is a hundred percent proof. Although it can be annoying if you use your right click to open a page I apologize and had to choose the best protection, you will have to double click on pages with images.I am hoping this will help keep dishonest people from stealing or convince them to buy.

Today I am showcasing one of my new Valentine digitals, this adorable guy can also suit other occasions! Go here to buy for just $1.00!!

Have a super fantastic day!



jessica said...

your card is super adorable Naomi!!! Great image!
Hope you and your family had a GREAT weekend!!

Anonymous said...

He is adorable Naomi & you colored him! That is fantastic. You did a great job!!! :)

Em Louise Fairley said...

Love him! I've also been wondering how to protect my images, so really glad you found a way to do it. I just need to learn how now :) Hugs

Sherrie K. said...

Aaaw, what a SWEET digi Naomi! That adorable face and you colored it perfect! Adorable design as always! I wish I would get more into digi's but I am horrible at coloring and I just love using my cricut for cuts:) I may have to spend more time at it and one day I may feel different about it! LOL!
Your card is fabulous!

Happy Monday my friend!
Sherrie K

Lisa said...

This is absolutely adorable, Naomi!! What a sweet image...it makes me smile!! The flowers are gorgeous, too!! What an awesome cad!!

Have you thought about watermarking your images so that if someone did manage to swipe one, they couldn't use it because of the watermark?? Then when someone buys and image, you can send them one without the watermark. Just a thought :) Happy Monday my friend :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Karon said...

Fabulous card so cute - I had the same idea as Lisa after reading your post - do you have a way to watermark them. Have a great week.

Naomi Edwards said...

Hi Lisa, Absolutley!! I did think of that but it would mean taking 65 digitals one by one into photoshop, edit, and put back into dreamweaver.. I would then upload them to my site.. then there is the issue of paypal sending the buyer the watermark image.. I don't know how to tell paypal to not send the watermark image but put a hold on it so I can send them the unmarked image... also I thought if it got really busy I don't want to be spending time in my email sending out images..... I am likely to overlook one!! lol Paypal only gives you one piece of code to implement. Thankyou for thinking of a probable solution for me!!! hugs

Madison said...

Naomi!!! This is super cute!! It totally makes me smile. I love the Digis you are creating. I agree that a watermark would be another layer of protection. Isn't it sad that you have to protect yourself. Thank you again for all of your support for the IFTL Project!! You are the best.

yyam said...

Ooooooh...this is adorable!
Kudos for finding a solution to digital theft!

Karen said...

My sweet Naomi, this is absolutely precious! The sweetie pie is so loving, eager to share your love with the lovely recipient. The flowers are so pretty and I adore the heart centers. :o) Your heart is truly gorgeous and it shines through all you do. :o) (And sparkles, too!) It is always a pleasure to see what you're up to.. I think of you so often. Regarding your images and such, it's certainly unfortunate that everyone needs to protect their work, but I'm glad you're taking steps. Definitely look into the watermark when you can, as that seems to work well for companies. How people could steal someone else's work is beyond me! :( **protects your hard work with her sparkly heart** :) Lots of love to you, my friend!

Hugs and blessings!

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

So sweet! Loving that flower! Carri~Abusybee

Migdalia said...

Oh!No !That is so sad but yes Please Protect these ADORABLE images that you worked so hard to make..They are the CUTEST EVER!!Just took a visit to your store and LOVE IT!!I am so Happy for you and I know that the LORD will continue to open so many doors!
Sending bloggie love to you,Michael & Troy,

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Glad you found a way to keep people honest!! I loveeeeeeeeee this!!

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