Naomi has even created a coloured version as well so you have a choice of which one you'd like to purchase!

Heart Bouquet is in the STORE in the Special Occasions section under Valentine's and is available for purchase, if you are interested.
Team Bugaloo is up with creations to showcase Naomi's pretty new image this week...
Next up is...

Here we have another fabulous creation. I really like how Monica fussy cut around the image and set it up within that pretty doily. Add some more cool hearts, a pretty bow, some pennants and a sweet sentiment and it looks like someone else's day will be made once they receive this one. You can check
out all the details of Monica's card by visiting her blog, TaylorMade 4U.
Thanks to all of you who offered up guesses. Congrats to KT Fit Kitty who came up with the answer that it was a bouquet of hearts. Contact me Kitty by clicking HERE to pull up my email address and send me a message with the subject heading 'CBD Sneak Peek: Heart Bouquet'
and we'll discuss your goody. Please
note that it might take me a few days to get back to you though, so I
appreciate your patience.
Of course my favourite guess was by Kimberly Goodman who said:Sneak peek guesses...
It is a huge birthday cake covered in heart picks and other finery to make it the most specialist cake ever for my birthday on the 13th. I will not say how many candle as we don't want to start a fire.
So a big birthday shout out to Kimberly!!!
We hope that you have a fabulous day tomorrow!!!
Now, it is your chance to win a copy of the latest new release...
Once again you have the opportunity to win a copy of Naomi's newest
release. In order to have your name in the running to win a copy of Heart Bouquet, I want to know, how old were you when you had your first kiss, do you remember the name of the person you kissed and where did it take place--that is the location you were in (i.e. at school, home, etc), not the location on your body--this is a G rated blog after all. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Leave a comment ON THIS POST by noon
on February 18th, in order to have your chance at winning this
Winners will be announced Feb. 19th during our next new release!
Oh and Canada just happens to be in second place at the moment with 4 Golds, 3 Silvers and 2 Bronze <<<Canadian pride oozing out all over the place>>>. Go Canada! We were in the lead up until today but then Norway creeped in with two more medals. That's okay. I'm sure we'll be right back up on top soon!
Now enough about that, time to tell you who won a copy of the last new release, Snowden...
(randomly chosen at Mini Web Tool)
Edwina, please contact me by clicking HERE with the subject heading 'Snowden' to get your copy. Like I mentioned above, it might take me a few days to get back to you, so I appreciate your patience.
Now you know we can't start a new collection, without a new round of jokes. This time I'm going with a classic--knock knock jokes...
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Value who ?
Value be my Valentine?
Who’s there?
Value who ?
Value be my Valentine?
Well that is it for this one! It is time to head to bed and catch up on about 8 hours worth of Olympics. I'm officially back on Saturday with the next sneak peek but remember, you never know when a freebie might appear now. Will it be this week? Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you.
Well, now you're getting personal LOL. Yes, I remember but I would rather not. I was 14 and this took place across from the mall. Let's change the subject now. The bouquet of hearts is absolutely beautiful - I love both of your DT cards - gorgeous! Thank you for the win on the sneak peek guess - awesome! I'll be emailing you shortly. Have a great day!
I remember and I would rather not. Since I was kissed only be two men in my life.
I love the cards. They are fantastic. The digi heart bouquet is gorgeous. I love it.
I will cheer for Canada and USA. I love both places. Edwina Brown
Absolutely gorgeous cards by the DT, they always produce wonderful cards, sorry I haven't been about for a long time, health matters have taken over my life for the time being. I hope to return as soon as I can. I will pop in and out when I can to have a look though. Hugs, Jen xxx
Krafty Keepsakes
Oh my...I just love your posting lol...had me smiling the whole way through. Now as to that "burning question"....My first kiss was when I was 12 years old from my first boyfriend Grant. It was under a tree in a field on the way home from school. lol...he was so tall (almost 6 feet already at that time)and I was so short (not quite 5 feet), that he had to bed way over and partially lift me up. Now I'm not going to say how it was, because that would be getting too personal lol. a fellow Canadian....GO CANADA GO!!!
Oh, how horrible of me...I was so deep in thought on that first kiss I forgot to tell you and the DT how much I love that beautiful image and how gorgeous everyone's creations are.
I think I was like 15 and it was a boy that worked at the gas station... I can't even remember his name now...but I was sure we were meant to be together.... :o)
Yep I remember. I was 14. His name is Br... We dated for 2 years. Then heartbreak. I was miserable while we were apart. Then we got back together and I couldn't understand why I wasted so much time being miserable. lol.
It was a good learning experience and made sure I was ready when the REAL thing came along shortly after. We dated for 2-1/2 years, married at 19 and have been happily married ever since.
Crafty hugs,
I'd rather not remember. I went out on a date with a guy at high school that really wanted to go out with my sister. I had to go as his date as it was a cover or my mom wouldn't let my sister go. The boy kissed me so it looked like a real date to everyone. We only went to a school dance and my sister was only 10 months younger than me so I'm not sure why my mom wouldn't let my sister go on a date but I could. My sister went as my chaperon. It was the worst night of my life. Yuck! Thanks for bringing that memory up.
hey I think this site is great I am having a lot of fun exploring
and getting some great ideas for my site looking forward to seeing more digitals.
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